A Reintroduction


I slay dragons for a living.

Not the ones you read in fantasy novels

or watch in Disney movies,

but the real ones...

the ones that keep you in fear and survival mode.

The ones that keep you up at night and constantly doubting yourself.

The ones that make you want to give up, go back, self-isolate and never try again.

I slay those dragons.

I believe every adventurer has a journey to take, a destiny to fulfill, experiences to share and a life worth having...

and it would be a shame to lose it to a dragon.

As a Business and Personal Development Coach, I help business owners navigate their journey of entrepreneurship, overcome roadblocks and design their own freedoms.

I help you understand it's possible to...

have a successful business and personal life...

not work yourself into the ground and take vacations without answering a single email or call...

create a business that runs without you being there constantly...

have a high value offer, a waitlist of clients and limited offerings...

challenge your perception of what it means to be a CEO...

and build the business and lifestyle of your dreams.

If you’re ready to slay your dragons and see just how far you can go, then you and I should talk.

I am on a mission to build up the quality of life in our communities through education, mindset development, and business ownership. Follow along as I share more tips, strategies and insights in my newsletter, The One Percent Factor.

P.S. Whenever you're ready...here are a few ways I can help YOU build your business with intention:

  1. Join my a simple, but powerful personalized coaching and mentorship program, Write to CEO, that occurs via email, text, audio and sometimes video.

  2. Get a Business Breakthrough Experience designed to identify gaps in your business and create strategies for overcoming them.

Coach Shakeena, The Focused CEO LLC

Experience professional. Aspiring pianist. Book nerd. Movie aficionado. I'm on a mission to help extraordinary people lead extraordinary lives. Connect with me on LinkedIn.


Lessons From a One-Year Reset